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Boss Lady or Nah?


Updated: May 1, 2019

The Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman

So I know what you are thinking when “Boss Lady” comes to mind. A woman that doesn’t take nonsense from anyone, entrepreneur, independent, strong-willed, super ambitious, fashionable and rolling in the dough. In a word, a Diva! But that’s what society often depicts as the ideal Boss Lady, yet in God’s eyes those traits are not what makes a True Boss Lady.

Often times as a woman, we attribute our value to our outward beauty, material possessions and our careers. We strive to present the best image of ourselves on social media, hoping that people will see our worth.  We believe our identity and value is wrapped up in those things. For a while I believed that also, not realizing that I had some inner traits that were more rare than rubies and in essence what made me a true boss lady.

In Proverbs 31:10-29, God showed me what it means to be a true Boss Lady and respected by many. According to His Word, a virtuous woman is a Boss. In the scripture, there are 5 specific traits that true boss women posses that are beneficial to the kingdom of God, their own lives and the people around them. I believe this is God’s will for all of us to live like the proverbs 31 woman! This proverbs 31 woman truly lived a blessed life!

  • Be Rare! (Prov 31:10-12). This woman was rare because she was virtuous. Virtuous meaning showing high moral standards such as purity, honesty, right-mindedness, and nobility. How often do we exhibit these attributes with such high standards? We often lower our standards in order to gain acceptance or validation from people. We change the way we dress, speak or think to compete with other woman. Sometimes, we even compromise our faith when certain circumstances calls for it. As a result, we lose more than we gain. We abandon our self-worth by lowering our standards in how we choose to carry ourselves. God calls us royalty. But are we walking with dignity and courage to be separate? Or are we walking in fear and being people pleasers? Listen ladies, if we want to be true boss women, we must be leaders and not followers. We must adopt these precious traits. If we do, we will stand out and bring life to those around us. We will be a woman of great worth! Also, opportunities will open up to you because these traits are desirable to most people! The right people will realize these attributes are worth more than superficial things. You won’t be the average woman and that my dear, is the beginning of becoming a true boss lady.

  • Have a Strong work ethic. (Proverbs 31:13-15). The proverbs 31 woman worked hard to provide for herself and her family. She worked sun up to sun down. She put her hands to work. Everyday was productive and contributing to her future. It’s quite simple, be a hard worker. Develop a strong work ethic. Be that entrepreneur, teacher, professor, lawyer, doctor, writer, dancer, singer or actor. Do it well! Do your best, work on your strengths and weaknesses. Especially if you are single, you have all the time you need to work hard to sow into your future. God called us to success and excellence! God wants to give us life more abundantly. But faith without works is dead. We need to find out our purpose from God for our lives and work towards it. God promised in His Word that you will reap the benefits of your hard work and it will be great enough to be a blessing to others!

  • Express Generosity, (Proverbs 31:19-21). This woman was not only a great care taker for her family but also took care of strangers. She helped the needy. It will be great if we payed more attention to the communities around us. We can help in anyway we can by joining charity groups, visiting the homeless, giving out clothes or food to the less fortunate. Or we can even help the needy by sharing our gifts. If you see a hurting girl and you can relate, tell her your testimony how God helped you! Just being helpful, giving and kind goes a long way. Whatever God gives you to help others, do it joyfully unto him. By doing this you will be building a legacy and setting your mark in the world like a true boss lady.

  • Be Well-pampered (Proverbs 31:22-24). By well-pampered I don’t mean extravagant clothing, nails and hairstyles. But what I am saying take time to take care of yourself. Though this woman was very busy, she still dressed well and took care of her own needs. Ladies, it is important not to forget about yourself in the mix. We don’t have to let ourselves go to be “Holy” as some teach. You can take the time to smell good, do your hair and dress nice. Put on that bomb lipstick or favorite lip gloss! Slay them edges! You can be attractive without going overboard or appearing vain. Ladies, it is important to remember that we can “slay” while we work the day. ☺️

  • Last trait, speak with wisdom and fear the Lord. (Proverbs 31:25-31). This lady spoke words of encouragement that built people up. She gave instructions to people with kindness. She spoke words of life always. She was not confrontational either and this trait will especially help you when you are married or if you are already married. Don’t use your words to tear people down. Let’s quit the gossip and support one another! Fear the Lord, many will see and praise you for your good works!

Always remember, you will be a force to be reckoned with! You will walk and talk like a queen building up your dynasty!

Live like Boss ladies today according to the Word and believe me you will live the blessed life!

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