Hey guys!!! Looks who's back!
Our break lasted a little longer than I thought it would, but I am super excited to continue sharing with you. You guys are great and I've missed you!
While I have you here, if you already haven't subscribed go ahead and sign up here. If you want to join our little online community you can do that here and if you want to catch up on old posts you can do that here. Finally, if you want to check out our new and growing e-store go check that out here.
Highly and Humbly will be expanding over the next few months and and I don't want you to miss a thing, so go click all the links and do all the things ;)
Now let's dive in to why you here in the first place: Let's talk Bible.
During the break, it was my intention to use the time away to dive deeper into the Word so that I could strengthen my own walk and relationship with God, but if I'm going to stay honest blogging had turned into something that I that I had to do instead of something I loved to do. Unfortunately, by extension my personal devotional habits fell under that category. That is to say my return to you, is also my return to daily Bible study/devotions, meditation and prayer, because while I enjoy our online interactions, I dare not present God's Word to you without consulting Him first.
I want to reassure you that I didn't "backslide" or walk away from God, I still prayed daily, read my Bible a few times a week, and I continued being faithful to my local ministry, but that deepening that the break was designed for...didn't happen.
So, I was thinking that we could do this together. I've recently started reading Multiply by Francis Chan, and if you guys are down, I was thinking that we could use one of the forums to talk our way through it. So if you click here you can purchase the book and if you have the the YouVersion Bible App, you can read with us here. If you want chat on the Highly and Humbly website you can do so here.
Multiply is a book about becoming a better disciple while completing the great commission and creating more disciples. I've been interested in this book because I feel that I haven't been doing my part in helping others to the knowledge and fellowship of Christ and this book comes highly recommended as an aid to do that.
So join me as I endeavor to do my part in building the Kingdom!
Otherwise, I want to leave you with this, 2 Timothy 2:15 says:
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Devotionals and study guides are great tools to use to supplement your Bible study, but I want to emphasize that they are exactly and only tools. We should most certainly be spending time in mediation and prayer with the scriptures alone to allow for God to speak to us directly strengthening our relationship with Him. If we are dependent on the voice of others to dictate what the Bible, what God really, is saying to us, we will miss out on the level of intimacy that He truly desires to have with us.
This dedicated time in the scriptures is how we learn God's voice for ourselves. It's how we learn to rightly divide the word of truth, so that we can identify the things that strengthen our walk with God and those things that will serve only to distract and ultimately weaken our faith.
For me, God's love has always been the lens by which I strive to view the world. If while reading the Bible (or listening to a sermon) I come to a conclusion that does not reflect God’s love, I pray and try again.
If my understanding of the Word of God leads me to behave contrary to the fruit of the Spirit, I pray and try again.
God’s Word is true, infallible and saturated in love. If ever my word, deed, or actions are not rooted in love, I need to do a heart check and try again.
So, here's to me trying again. <3